Being accused of a crime is a serious problem. It creates a ripple effect on your life that’s difficult to recover from. Not only do you have to worry about what impact the criminal charges will have on your reputation, but you also have to wonder how you’ll keep your head above water in terms of your financial situation. You can’t work while you’re in jail, and if you can’t work, you can’t pay your bills. If your bills aren’t paid, you could lose your home, your health insurance, and your vehicle. Even worse, the longer you’re in jail, the less likely it becomes that your employer will be able to work with you once you are out. That’s the type of financial ruin many people simply can’t recover from.
Contacting St Tammany Parish Bail Bonds is the best way to stop the ripple effect from ruining your future. We can’t make the charges go away. We have no influence over what the judge ultimately decides, but we do make it possible for you to continue to work and pay your bills while you wait for your case to find its way through the incredibly slow judicial process.
We have an outstanding reputation for providing discreet and fast service, zero-interest bail bonds, and flexible payment plans.
We promise that when you contact St Tammany Parish Bail Bonds, you’ll enjoy discrete and honest service. The first call/chat is a FREE consultation during which we answer your questions and also explain how our bail bond process works. If you decide to take advantage of our services, our fee is 10% of your set bail. That’s considerably less than what you’d eventually owe in overdue bills if you have to stay in a jail cell for months while you wait for your case to go to trial.
We understand that your current financial situation isn’t going to be the same as the rest of our clients. That’s why we’ve worked hard to create a program that allows us to customize a payment plan that fits your budget. During your consultation, we’ll discuss our various services which includes:
- 24/7 Bail Bond Service
- FREE Online or Phone Consultation
- 20% Discount (to qualifying clients)
- 0% Interest Payment Plans
- Over the Phone Approvals
- No Hidden Fees
- No Collateral with Working Co-Signer
- Easy to Understand Contracts
- Discrete Service
- Se Habla Español
We are always available and ready to help you get out of jail. Call us today to learn more!